Sunday, November 14, 2010

The "Venice of the North" Brugge, Belgium

We visited Brugge, Belgium with the Tofi family a couple weeks ago. Brugge was only an hour away and is very close to the coast of Belgium. I love Brugge! It is now one of our favorite cities. There our chocolate shops on every corner and even though it was raining it felt like a very "warm" place to be. It was the first time Dior felt like he was really experiencing Europe. Brugge is also known as the "Venice of the North" because canals run along the city. I brought along my travel guides and made sure we stuck to the itinerary. I can't wait to go back to Brugge !                                                   

1 comment:

  1. Love this picture, I would make this a Christmas card and mail to all your friends and family.
